Turbochargers are sensitive, thus they should be carefully handled. We follow all the typical steps of a thorough repair.
Rebuilding of turbine blades
Specialized methods of rebuilding the small damages of turbine blades can restore all damaged turbine in their original shape.
Dynamic Balancing
An out of balance rotating element causes operational difficulties, therefore a dynamic balancing is major for the efficient operation.
Sand Blasting & Glass Bead Blasting
Sand blasting and glass bead blasting can be performed to every part of the turbocharger with our latest technology machineries.
Rotor Shaft Repair
Since the rotor shaft repair is a very important part of the turbocharger unit, we prioritize its repair providing dynamic gear.
Recondition of Spare Parts
We have the expertise to recondition all the parts of a turbocharger, so as to reduce the cost of an overall replacement.
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